Driving After Stroke or Brain Injury
Driving is often a concern for the patient recovering from a head injury or stroke. Every patient suffering brain injury from stroke or other trauma, regardless of a known visual field loss should have a complete eye examination with visual fields testing. No patient should return to driving without an eye examination.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) patients do not always appreciate their new deficits and may assume their driving skills are adequate when significant safety risks may still be present. The decision whether a patient may safely return to driving should be a team effort. The professionals dealing with each patient’s driving issues will vary but the following are some of the professionals who may be involved in the driving decision; certified driving rehabilitation specialists, the family physician, neurologist, physiatrist, neuro-psychologist, occupational therapists, physical therapist, optometrist, optometric low vision/neuro rehabilitative specialist and ophthalmologist and/or neuro-ophthalmologist. The patient and family members should also be involved.