Shaky Eyes / Shaky Vision
Nystagmus / Oscillopsia
Nystagmus is an abnormal rhythmic movement of the eyes. It can be a horizontal pendular-like movement or can include rotational movements. It can be rapid or slow. It can change speed and type movement as the patient looks in different directions. It may slow on gaze in certain directions and some patients may tilt or position their head and eyes to slow the nystagmus. This position is called the null point.
Nystagmus can occur from birth in visually impaired individuals, but although the eyes are moving constantly, it does not cause any sensation of movement to the patient. However, in nystagmus acquired later in life, such as in brain injury, patients frequently experience a constant sensation of movement called ocillopsia. Oscillopsia can be very debilitating to the patient.
In rare cases there can be unequal or dissociated nystagmus in which the movements are different in speed and direction in each eye. This becomes even more debilitating. Selective occlusion of one eye to reduce two competing motion to one motion can be helpful.