Stacey’s Story

Left Homonymous Hemianopsia with 
Left Hemi-Spatial In-Attention (Visual Neglect)


When Stacey suffered a major stroke from dissection of the carotid artery, her life suddenly changed. She had to fight paralysis and terrible vision problems. She had lost the visual field to the left side in both eyes. She bumped into objects and had difficulty coordinating her eyes to read. She consulted various doctor, but was told that nothing could be done. Then, Stacey was referred by her occupational therapist at her rehabilitation hospital to Dr. Windsor.

Dr. Windsor prescribed a Gottlieb Visual Field Awareness System in a new pair of eyeglasses and prescribed scanning therapy to do with occupational therapist. He also provided a computer program, which she could use at home to improve her eye coordination. Finally, Stacey could see objects to her left side. She no longer ran into objects. She could walk down a hall with confidence.

Stacey Speaks About Her Road to Recovery

Stacey's comments are from a video we filmed with her on 8/19/98 at the Low Vision Center of Indianapolis. She is another wonderful example of how we can successfully compensate for visual field loss with a combination of new optical aids like the Gottlieb Visual Field Awareness System and scanning therapy. 

Unfortunately, Stacey is also an example of a patient initially not being given state of the art technology and therapy. We hope through these case histories that we can educate all caregivers about the new options in the rehabilitation of visual field loss.

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Stacey suffered a major stroke after spontaneous dissection of the carotid artery. Stacey commented," I was unable to see clearly. From the middle to the left, I couldn't see. They said I left half the food on my plate. If you were on my left side, I wouldn't know you were there. I could not walk across a room without failing."

Stacey went to a doctor who offered no help. Stacey commented," We had gone to another doctor who was supposed to be a specialist in vision after stroke. My husband and I had gone to see her. When we left we were both devastated. She was unable to help us. She said that nothing could be done to clear my vision. She couldn't help me with the loss of vision to the left and have a nice life".

Stacey was examined by Dr. Windsor who fit her with a Gottlieb Visual Awareness System and prescribed scanning therapy to do with her occupational therapist and  orthoptic therapy to do at home on her computer:

Stacey commented," I could see clearly again. I was able to see clearly to read. That it was magnificent! But, the Gottlieb lens helped with the field loss I had on the left side. I was able to see to the left. I could walk across room without falling. I could see my kid's toys were on the floor without falling over them. I didn't walk into walls any longer. It was a definite change in my life."

Stacey begins the road back to work. Stacey commented, "I am going to work at the rehabilitation hospital to see if I can help others. I will also be volunteering my time at my child's school. Just being able to read has opened so much. I was about to go crazy! "

On her last follow-up visit Stacey reported,

"I wouldn't give these glasses up for anything. They have changed my life."