The UFOV: Useful Field of View
Deciding whether or not a patient can continue to drive after a brain injury is often a difficult challenge for the clinician. The physical, mental and cognitive processing effects of the brain injury must be carefully evaluated. We also look at the patient’s driving history, family input, visual acuities, visual fields, contrast sensitivity, visual fields, mental status and the Useful Field of View Test (UFOV).
ufov test being performed by patient
We continue to find the UFOV test helpful in assessing potential driving safety in patients with mild vision loss and in neurological cases such as traumatic brain injury, stroke, early Alzheimer’s and cerebral palsy. This tests looks at a central area of the visual field, but unlike a visual field test, it looks at how the patient can perceptually respond to multiple things occurring within the central vision, an area of “useful field of view.”
Our practice was a beta test site for this unique test developed at the University of Alabama. It has now been validated through over fifty scientific papers. It has the highest correlation in predicting crash risk of any vision test. We are pleased to be one of the few optometric practices in the country to offer this test.
The UFOV is a test that assesses parallel attentional processing. It has been shown to help predict crash risk in older drivers. It is a computer administered and scored test. The test includes three subsets, which measures the ability to perform a central visual identification task, to divide attention between central and peripheral stimuli and to select peripheral stimuli from among distracters. It has been defined as the area from which one can extract visual information in a brief glance without head or eye movement.
Part 1: The participant identifies a target presented in the center of the computer screen for varying lengths of time.
Part 2: The participant identifies a target object as before but must also localize a simultaneously presented target object displayed in the periphery of the screen.
Part 3: This part is similar to part 2 except that the target objects displayed in the periphery is embedded in distracters that make the task more difficult.
The limits of this area are reduced by poor vision, difficulty dividing attention and/or ignoring distraction, and slower processing ability. The area from which a driver can extract visual information at a quick glance declines, as people grow older as does the time it takes to process that information. UFOV researchers have defined cognitive impairment as a 40% reduction in the Useful Field of View, and it is the point at which the risk of crashing increases significantly. 
Target objects are presented on the computer monitor. The information presented from simple to complex and presentation time between presentations of the two stimuli varies depending on the participant’s pattern of performance.
Useful Use of View Test UFOV - Reference List
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Clay, O. J., Wadley, V. G., Edwards, J., Roth, D. L., Roenker, D., & Ball, K. K. (2005). The Useful Field of View as a predictor of driving performance in older adults: A cumulative meta-analysis. Optometry & Vision Science, 82, 724-731.
Edwards, J.D., Vance, D.E., Wadley, V.G., Cissell, G.M., Roenker, D.L., & Ball, K.K. (2005). Reliability and validity of Useful Field of View test scores as administered by personal computer. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 27, 529-543.
Vance, D.E., Wadley, V.G., Ball, K.K., Roenker, D.L., & Rizzo, M. (2005). The effects of physical activity and sedentary behavior on cognitive health in older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 13, 294-313.
Wood, K. M., Edward, J.D., Clay, O. J., Wadley, V. G., Roenker, D.L., and Ball, K.K. (2005) Sensory and cognitive predictors of functional ability in older adults. Gerontology, 51, 131-142.
Edwards, J.D., Wadley, V.G., Vance, D.E., Wood, K., Roenker, D.L., & Ball, K.K.(2005). The impact of speed of processing training on cognitive and everyday performance. Aging & Mental Health, 9,1-10.
Ball K.K., Edwards, J.D., & Ross, L.A. (2007). The impact of speed of processing training on cognitive and everyday functions. J Gerontolology:Series B; 62B (1):19-31.
Okonkwo O.C., Crowe, M., Wadley, V.G, and Ball, K. K. (2007). Visual attention and self- regulation of driving among older adults. Int Psychogeriatr,1-12.
Vance, D., Dawson, J., Wadley. V.G., Edwards, J.E., Roenker, D.L., Rizzo, M., & Ball K. (2007).The Accelerate Study: The Longitudinal Effect of Speed of Processing Training on Cognitive Performance of Older Adults. Rehabilitation Psychology, 52(1),89-96.
Willis SL, Tennstedt SL, Marsiske M, Ball K, Elias J, Koepke KM, Morris JN, Rebok GW, Unverzagt FW, Stoddard AM, Wright E, for the ACTIVE Study Group. (2006).Long- term Effects of Cognitive Training on Everyday Functional Outcomes in Older Adults. JAMA, 296(23), 2805-2814.
Clay, O. J., Wadley, V. G., Edwards, J., Roth, D. L., Roenker, D., & Ball, K. K. (2005). The Useful Field of View as a predictor of driving performance in older adults: A cumulative meta-analysis. Optometry & Vision Science, 82, 724-731.